Fight Club
Revisted Fight Club. The first time around i thought it was overrated. I changed my mind. summA sollakUdAdhu, ennamA thiraikkadhai ezhudhiyirukkaple Jim Uhls. As much as i hate the split-personality theory and its ubiquitous presence in the film world, the memorable dialogues and 'quotes' are too good to resist
I am Jack's raging bile duct...
I am Jack's raging bile duct...
This movie's full of great qoutes.. one my fav's
Jack: "That old saying, how you always hurt the one you love, well, it works both way."
Fight CLub's based on novel by Chuck Palahnuik. If i could manage to get a copy, i guess i can overcome INSOMNIA :)
Raja Ram, at Fri Mar 23, 11:28:00 AM
This movie's full of great qoutes.. one my fav's
"That old saying, how you always hurt the one you love, well, it works both way."
Fight CLub's based on novel by Chuck Palahnuik. If i could manage a copy, i guess i can overcome INSOMNIA :)
JACK :With insomnia, nothing is real. Everything is far away. Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy.
Raja Ram, at Fri Mar 23, 11:30:00 AM
It's a great movie. Although I prefer Se7en over Fight club, its generally FC thats most talked about, especially in Fincher fan club circles..
Brad Pitt's performance as Tyler durden is one of the best eccentric performance on screen!
I am waiting for Zodiac.. Another serial-killer offering from Fincher.
., at Fri Mar 23, 04:58:00 PM
Rasa DJ Ram!!
adhe dhaan :) insomnia!
OK, in a scene in the theatre operator room, Jack/Tyler explain the reel changeover process - 'cigarette mark'.
There are two scenes in the movie where Fincher actually plays this trick on US! Did you notice what they were?
1. A frame in the Testicular Cancer club (when Jack goes thre for the first time)
2. The very last frame of the film :)
I prefer fight club....
Zodiac - Actually i saw 'The Zodiac' but not Fincher's version :( .. disappointing...
Bala (Karthik), at Sat Mar 24, 10:00:00 AM
FC over Se7en :(
Actually not many people prefer Se7en over FC..I am one of those weird guys..
yeah..and one more, The frame when Ed goes to meet a doctor about insomnia, the doctor suggests him about and when the doctor goes to the corridor..and Ed follows him outside..when doctor says something suddenly..tyler's frame appears on the side only for few microseconds.then the camera cuts back to Ed..
one more clue..when Ed gets the call from pitt in the holds a sign that says something like no incoming calls..
I guess there are many other clues in the movie..
yenna-nu theriyilla, Se7en created a thrilling mood engrossing us into the darkness...I guess the ending was more profound to me than FC because I already knew the ending before I saw the movie..Dont know whether I would have seen it coming even if the guy hasnt said it..I should probably go kick his arse for spoiling 'the ride'...cha!
., at Sat Mar 24, 01:58:00 PM
ahaa... neraya clue irundhirukku pola.. naan dhaan miss pannitten!!
Actually one American TV show host had revealed the climax on a show enraged by the movie (when the film was still 'new')!! Actually, FC enjoyed more DVD success than theatrical revenues, says Wiki...
Bala (Karthik), at Sat Mar 24, 03:15:00 PM
No doubt Se7en is one of the best offering of DF. But I prefer fightclub over Se7en and The Game. Acc to wiki FIghtClub was initially criticised heavily by the critics and the DVD sales was phenomenal,it was ranked #1 in the top essential dvd.
Anonymous, at Tue Mar 27, 10:47:00 AM
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